11/15- Forgivness

Luke 15:11-32 Parable of the Prodigal Son/ Forgiving Father

Words to know:

Inheritrance/ property share that falls to me: When someone leaves money or items to you when they die.
Dissipation/ squandered: Wastes money on silly things
Famine: Not enough food
Swine: pig
"Came to himself"/ "Coming to his senses.": Realized his error
Parousia: Joining of the Kingdom of God both Heaven and Earth in the second coming of Jesus.

In the Jewish Culture to ask for one's inheritance before the death of the father was to basically say " You are as good as dead to me." Thus the father's unconditional acceptance of the younger son was even more exceptional.

Many inactive Catholics are looking for an invitation to return. Pray for them, and show God's light by invting them to Mass! We should never pressure or guilt someone to go to Mass or attend church functions. This is disrespectful to their faith journey. Still, we know that the Holy Spirit continues to hold them in love, so we are called to share our spiritual journey with them. Your own Christian witness is the best invitation to offer them back to participating in God's love and mercy! Ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength to love without conditions as the forgiving father did in this parable.

Blessed John Paul II encourages us, "But we know that God, 'rich in mercy,' like the father in the parable, does not close his heart to any of his children. He waits for them, looks for them, goes to meet them at the place where the refusal of communion imprisons them in isolation and division. He calls them to gather about his table in the joy of the feast of forgiveness and reconciliation."


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