3/13/24 FF Worksheet

What do I do when Jesus the Lord comes to me in Holy Mass?

Receive the Lord by preparing yourself inside and out. Show him that you are looking forward to meeting him by dressing up in nice clotbhes and, if necessary, by going to confession. Also, be respectful during Mass with a prayerful heart.

This is how Jesus enters your heart:
Imagine that Jesus arranges a meeting withg you. With YOU, of all people!

Before communion:
Tell Jesus how happy you are that he is coming to you; he whom wind and waves, animals and people, sickness, and even death obey; he, the great God, who makes himself very small; he who enters under your roof and ramins in your heart.

After communion:
Go back to your place and kneel. Close your eyes. Look at him. He is looking at you. Thank him for entering your heart. Tell him what is important to you, what is beautiful, what is difficult, what is sad. Bring people to him in prayer, especially the sick and all those who are in need. Ask him to help you to keep your good resolutions. Finally, thank him for all that is good in your life.

Take a moment to think of the words you might use before communion and after communion to celebrate this great gift.

"The day of my First Holy Communion was one of the most beautiful days of my life... Not only becuase of our nice clothes or the gifts we receive, nor becasue of the parties! IT is above all because, that day, we receive Jesus Christ for the first time... I should welcome him with love and listen closely to him. In the depths of my heart, I can tell him, for example, "Jesus, I know that you love me... I give you all my joys, my troubles, and my future."- Pope Benedict XVI

Blessed Carlo Acutis called the Eucharist his "highway to heaven" and created a website listing approved Eucharistic Miracles from around the world.

I recently returned from a trip to Rome where I was able to visit the site of a Eucharist Miracle on Carlo Acutis' list. It is under Italy- Rome- 1610

Copy and past this link into a new webpage where you can click the link to see the list of miracles on Carlo's website and see my persoanl pictures. Also, if you go to Carlo's website and click on Rome 1610 you can see the write up of the miracle I saw.



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