Prayer Request

Prayer Request

Prayer List Request

Visit our current prayer list to pray for the sick members of our parish and friends, and for those in need of our prayers. May our prayers be answered through the intercessions of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who lifts up our prayers immediately to her son Jesus and His Most Sacred Heart of Mercy.

To request for a name to be added to our Prayer List printed in our weekly bulletin, please use the form below. Note: if added after a Monday it may take another week for you to see it in the bulletin due to our bulletin submission date.

Out of respect for the person, you should obtain permission from that person PRIOR to contacting us to add them to our public bulletin.

Names will remain on the list for the quarter in which it is received (Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec), sometimes longer (depending on number of names and space in the bulletin). If the need for prayers continue after the name is removed, please submit a new request. Please do not submit requests for the prayer chain, pastoral visits or anointing here - contact the office directly for those requests.

Please add Full Name(s) of person(s) to be added to our prayer list. Please only submit names of which you have received consent to publish from the person or their immediate family. Thank you!

(Please provide your contact email should the office need more information regarding your request. We may contact you for update status to prayer list every 3 months.) Type "no email" if you do not have an email.


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