Staff Member: Father Ron Serrao

Father Ron Serrao

Phone: 715-478-8704
Email: Click Here to Email

Fr. Ron Serrao was born in India in 1962 to Mark and Elsie Serrao. His educational studies and degrees are:
Undergraduate: BA from St. Joseph's College, Bangalore, 1984.
Graduate: MA in Sociology, Bombay University, 1992.
Graduate Diploma: Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore, 2001.
Seminary Formation: Philosophy and Theology at the Institute of Philosophy and Religion (Jnana Deepa Vidya Peeth, under the Seminary Commission, Rome), 1987-1992
Ordained a Priest November 26, 1992.

Ministry Experience since Ordination:
Associate Pastor/Principle - Blessed Andre Parish, Agartala Diocese, '92 to '93
Pastor and Principal - Blessed Andre Parish, '94-'97
Asst. Formation Director - Museum Road, Bangalore, 1997
Province Administrator - Bangalore, '98 to '02
Pastor - St. Sebastian Church, Archdiocese of Goa, '02 to'08
Parochial Vicar - St. Anne Church, Somerset, Superior Diocese, '08 to '09
Parochial Administrator - St. Augustine of Harrison & St. John the Baptist, Bloomville, '09 to '13
Parochial Administrator/Pastor - St. Anthony of Padua/St. Isaac Jogues/Our Lady Queen of Peace
(Lac do Flambeau/Mercer/Manitowish Waters).

I was inspired to become a priest by my mother's personal witness as well as by the example of a priest I knew. I came to the US in 2008 to work on continuing education through the Diocese of Superior as well as pastoral ministry. While serving at St. Augustine and St. John the Baptist Church, I became a permanent part of the diocesan clergy for the Diocese of Superior.

After my ordination in 1992, when I was in Calcutta, I was able to meet with Mother Theresa (now a saint) personally and it was a most touching moment in my life.

Photo of Father Ron Serrao